Saturday, April 23, 2011

'Round the Town...

Here are some shots from around the county during our "deluge" of seemingly endless rain.  The forecast is for even MORE rain all this next week.  Can I just say I am glad my old house sits up on a hill.  Oh, and a big "THANK YOU GOD!!!" for sparring my home in last nights tornado that skipped down my road.  Crazy weather it is....very crazy indeed.

Mill Race Park

Hwy 11 at Devers Road

I-65 Overpass atJohnathan Moore Pike

Serious currents in the ditch line

Hwy 11

Evening in downtown Columbus

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Design Therapy

I don't drug.  I don't drink.  I don't smoke.  And I don't drink coffee.  I therapy.  It's the kind of therapy for people like me that have visions of colour and lines that run through their little tiny brains when they see a blank canvas.  It's for the kind of people that when they see something worn down and delapitated that can be revived or re-invented with a little of "this" or a little of "that".  Yes, my name is Cheryl and I am a design addict.  Nice to meet you. 

Necessary for naps....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Progress.....sort of.

It has been slow going at the ol' farmhouse this week and last.  Job sites that were more of a priority for  my contractor and then of course the RAIN....rain, rain, and more rain.  I am beginning to wonder if Noah and the Ark are going to float by anytime soon.  Sheesh!!!

Chad & Justin discovering the old slate tiles under the shingles.

Derek cleaning up the huge mess of trees that they cut down.

Chad NOT talking to me....wonders never cease do they?  LOL!!!
Work, work and more work.....

One thing I found that didn't need to be cut down or ripped off.....yea!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ye Ol' Homestead....

The Blessing of A New Home

This new blog is all about my Bittersweet Hill House and how it has taken over my life.  I sort of feel like the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of know, when the house is sucked up by the tornado and then DROPPED on the witch.....yeah, I sort of feel like this house has been DROPPED on me - all my own doing too.  Typical Cheryl they say.....HA!!!  Yeah, Yeah, only makes me stronger. 

Anyhoo....I thought I would write a little about the command God gives us to "bless" our homes.  I am a firm believer in blessing the enviroment you live in.  Seriously.  I only want good and positive things roaming the halls of my home.  I've lived in strife and chaos and I don't want to live at that address anymore, nor do I want them to visit either. 

The Mezuzot is a beautiful way to express your belief and faith in the one true God of Yisrael.  I have had a Mezuzah on my last 4 homes.  In this house, I am going to put them inside too on all the bedroom doors, the kitchen, my office and all doors that lead outside (that would be 4) a total of 10.  Whoa.  That IS a lot.  But that is will constantly remind me of what I need to be reminded of every second of the day - That I am a daughter of the King of the Universe.  That I have a Father that loves me infinately and only has the BEST things planned for my life.  That I have standards to uphold and that my actions should only bring honor to Him.  Gosh - I sort of feel important.  Not!!!  Actually, I sort of feel why would he pick a daughter like me to serve Him when He knows what a total screw up I am.  Truthfully, knowing this makes me want to strive even harder to bring Honor and to serve Him however He sees fit.  Truthfully, it pushes me beyond myself (which I desperately need to get away from) and towards Him.  Like little baby steps for me and Him being in front of me with His arms outstretched saying "YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  COME ON!!!  I'VE GOT YOU COVERED!!!!!!"  Isn't it awesome that when you look for God in your everyday life, that you will find Him.  Even in an old delapitated farm house and a girl who bit off more than she could chew....oh well....If He is for me, who can be against me?  Right??!!!

A mezuzah is a sacred parchment inscribed by hand with two portions of Torah. It is stored in a protective case  hung on the doorposts of Jewish homes.
ParchmentThe parchment (klaf) come from a kosher species of animal.
Inscribed by HandThe person who writes on the parchment is called a sofer (scribe). Scribes are trained to inscribe the mezuzah in the same manner and script as the Torah. Any mistakes make the mezuzah invalid.
TorahThe two portions of Torah written on the parchment are Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) and Vehaya (Deuteronomy 11:13-21). Both of these Torah portions include the verse, "And you shall inscribe these words upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates."
Protective CaseOnce the mezuzah is written, it is rolled from left to right and placed in a protective case.
Why Hang a Mezuzah?
In the Torah, God commands the Jewish people to hang mezuzot on their doorposts. Two Torah portions, Shema and Vehaya, include the verse: "And you shall inscribe these words upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates."
The Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) begins with "Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One." The Shema reminds us that God is always present in our lives, and that we should keep God's words constantly in our minds and in our hearts. The Shema tells us that one way to do this is by writing them on the doorposts of our house. Vehaya (Deuteronomy 11:13-21) assures us of God's compensation if we fulfill his commandments (mitzvot).
It is a Torah commandment to hang mezuzot on our doorposts. Mezuzot, in turn, remind of God's presence and of our duty to fulfill God's commandments.
Blessing on Affixing a Mezuzah
Before affixing a mezuzah to a doorpost, the following blessing is recited:
Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu likbo-a mezuzah.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, Who sanctifies us with holy commandments and commands us to fix a mezuzah.
The blessing is only recited once (usually on the front door) for all the mezuzot in the house . After reciting the blessing, no words are spoken until all mezozot are hung throughout the house.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Test Post

Test Post

Test Post

Test Post
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